OpenText OTDS Cloud(-Foundry) image

Here we go again with another success sad history of OpenText and their cloud products. This time we’ve encountered a “funny” “feature” on the OTDS cloud container image.

We are deploying this on the cloud as part of a migration to Documentum 23.4, where OTDS is now mandatory. For this we deployed this OTDS on Azure, and first thing we see is:

So what do we do (OTDS is now quite a “simple product”, web application connecting to a DB, so there’s not much room for errors on a brand new deployment)? Let’s check the logs… kubectl logs… empty. Strange, let’s go directly to the container and check tomcat’s logs… tomcat/logs… empty. What? So we decide to dissect the image and what do we find? Another case of unexplicable decisions by OT: So what is happening here is that someone at OT has decided that this not an “OTDS cloud image” but rather “OTDS Cloud Foundry” image. So they have configured Tomcat (via with Cloud Foundry logging, and removed everything else. As a result, if you’re using any other cloud provider, don’t be expecting any logs (because nobody would need to access logs for an authentication application, security audits? Nah).

So what can you do?

Obviously, first step is to report this to OT (done), and wait until someone realizes the mistake they have done (either “mislabeling” the image, as this is clearly not generic, or by simply releasing this publicly, as my suspicion is that this is OT’s internal OTDS image used in their environment).

However, while this happens, we can be a little bit more proactive. By opening the image we can rebuild the Dockerfile used to build this image, which, more or less looks like this:

FROM redhat/ubi9-minimal:9.2 

LABEL maintainer="Red Hat, Inc."
LABEL com.redhat.component="ubi9-minimal-container" name="ubi9-minimal" version="9.2"
LABEL io.k8s.display-name="Red Hat Universal Base Image 9 Minimal"
LABEL io.openshift.expose-services=""
LABEL io.openshift.tags="minimal rhel9"

ENV PATH /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin

RUN microdnf update -y && microdnf clean all
RUN microdnf install -y glibc-langpack-en tzdata fontconfig && microdnf clean all

COPY jdk-17.0.8+7-jre '/opt/jdk-17.0.8+7-jre'
RUN cd /opt; ln -s jdk-17.0.8+7-jre jre;

RUN mkdir -p /opt/newrelic;
COPY newrelic-agent-8.5.0.jar /opt/newrelic
COPY newrelic.yml /opt/newrelic
RUN cd /opt/newrelic; ln -s newrelic-agent-8.5.0.jar newrelic.jar;

RUN mkdir /opt/scripts && ln -s /opt/tomcat/bin/ /opt/scripts/ && chown -R otuser:0 /opt/scripts

COPY --chown=otuser:0 tomcat/ /opt/tomcat/

From here you can see OT is basically updating the base RH image, copying a JDK17, newrelic libraries (another library irrelevant to any OT product and that we’re just “pushed” to use/have there) and a “custom made” Tomcat (including the Cloud Foundry logging), so nothing too fancy.

So at this point, you can simply take your own Tomcat, and rebuild the image without Cloud Foundry, but why all these commands? why all that additional things in OTDS? Why is this image using RH minimal while CS uses Oracle Linux, and new containers are moving to Alpine? Why it is so difficult to align components to use the same technologies?

Well, here you have another approach to building the same image, and you can judge what looks simpler to build and maintain:

FROM tomcat:jre17-temurin

COPY webapps/ /usr/local/tomcat/webapps
COPY otds-install/ /usr/local/tomcat/otds-install
COPY /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/otdsws/WEB-INF/classes/
COPY /usr/local/tomcat/bin

RUN chmod u+x /usr/local/tomcat/bin/


CMD ["/bin/bash", "-c", "; run"]

This is from a custom container that I’m using locally. Quick explanation:

  • tomcat:jre17-temurin: Official Tomcat image. Why would you bother to build something it is already done? No need to maintain / update JDK and Tomcat when Apache is already doing that.
  • COPY fragments: Despite this is W R O N G, I copied the webapps folder (which should be mapped from a persistent volume and never be included on the image) just to mimic OT’s approach, I just needed a few lines to include the applications, and required customizations (here, will encrypt the provided password (s) and update accordingly)
  • ENV variables: Well, parameters that we can customize
  • Anything else: You add whatever you need because that would not be part of OTDS, but requirements of your own environment.

And there you go, a simpler container image in no time. Do you need to update Java or Tomcat? Just use a newer Tomcat image and it is done. Do you want to deploy on Azure or AWS? Do it, you’ll have logs (unlike right now, even on 24.1)

D2-Config 2FA/OTDS integration

Last week on the February Documentum User Group I asked about D2-Config and its lack of integration with OTDS (Is this the only Documentum web application not supporting OTDS?) and as I didn’t get an answer, I decided to take this as a nice exercise (Although most of the work was done by JosΓ© RamΓ³n Marcos). So, let’s go πŸ˜€

First step is quite simple, grab the OTDS authentication class from DA / Webtop and move it to a filter, what you basically need is the buildAuthenticationRequestAndRedirect method (by checking the code you should be able to understand the logic behind this).

Add the filter to D2-Config (I suggest to filter /*), then you’ll need some workarounds to make this work properly. In our case, by using morlex programming, we created an index.jsp page that would be the landing page from OTDS and that will handle the “advanced features” explained later. This JSP just receives the token from OTDS as an anchor and process it to send it to the ConnectDialog.html static page.

Finally, we need to modify ConnectDialog (as you wish) to not load the username/password fields / hide them or whatever, and some JS to pass the user (‘null’, as this will be extracted from the token on server side) and the token (dm_otds_ticket=<token value>). And:

This works fantastically well, however, someone might ask for being able to login as another user (dmadmin). We’ve already seen some bizarre and unsecure attempts to provide this functionality, but can we do something better? Let’s see:

We will take a look at JMS’ OTDS Authentication class, and grab the getUserNameFromToken method. You’ll need the OTDS’ certificate used to configure JMS OTDS authenticator servlet, which we can add to a custom properties file that we can use as well to add a preconfigured list of “premium” users that will be able to login as other user… after going through OTDS authentication (so not open to anyone passing by, unlike other “solutions”). Once this is done, we will call this method from our JSP to retrieve the user logged in OTDS and check if it is a “premium” member:

Aaand magic, there you have a quite secure approach to allow users (previously authenticated) to use an alternative login. Wasn’t that hard OT, was it?

D2 24.3 new skip_sso feature

Today we have another case of a “difficult to understand” approach from OT regarding security. You probably know that basic security sugesstions include moving from user/password authentication to 2FA/SSO as these are more secure.

If you have experienced/used this approach before (and specially if you’re a “power user”) you might have missed the possibility to login as a different user (=dmadmin) for very specific, not common tasks. Well, OT seems to have found a solution for this: skip_sso (or skip_security) parameter:

What’s wrong with this approach? Let’s see:

  1. You offer the possibility of a more secure authentication mechanism (2FA/SSO) and you destroy that by providing a way to override it.
  2. skip_sso can’t be disabled (or better said, this should be a disabled by default feature that could be enabled for certain user cases, as the documentation states “in some cases”, not for every single user!)
  3. skip_sso can’t be limited to specific users (so everyone can access via user/password regardless of the configuration)
  4. Not only you’re not simply falling back to D2 login screen (which could be “adapted” via CSS to hide the user/password field), you’re directly allowing to login into D2 blocking any option to stop this.
  5. In the cloud, you’re opening you repository to anyone that knows the default password for certain users that are not changed automatically and that are present in every repository
  6. Man in the middle attacks are celebrating this skip_sso parameter, as well as anyone running a network sniffer (I’m quite sure cybersec departments will be “happy” to see urls with “username” and “password” paremeter flying through the network)

So, with this clear security failure on mind, what can we do to improve the situation (on an on-premise environment, as we will be losing any change done to D2 container on restart)?

  1. Create your own filter, dropping this parameter if detected (As the original filter is converted to JS due to GWT, we can’t simply “override” it). You’ll need to drop you custom class and modify web.xml to include the filter
  2. Do not drop the parameter, but put some more effort on the code, adding some parameter to D2FS/ where you indicate exactly the users that can use this feature, effectively blocking any other user from using this. Still you need to code this. And modify the original D2.war :/

Documentum 23.4 PostgreSQL 15.5 on Rocky Linux 9 (WSL2) Install Guide

This is a step-by-step guide to install Documentum 23.4 in WSL2 using the Rocky Linux 9 (closest to the supported RH9) image with PostgreSQL 15.5. Unluckly we still don’t have a proper supported Alpine-based version, although this is now available for the web applications “containers” (The Documentum engineering cloud team still fails to understand that a container is not a virtual machine but a process, so D2/DA/REST/etc. should be just a docker compose file that builds the application server and then you drop your customized war file with whatever you want, and not a huge yaml file with hundreds of options that are added as customers beta test the software and realize that there are settings missing/unconfigurable in the current approach. However, at least now there’s a smaller OS easier to mantain).

Few notes:

  • JMS/Apps moved to Tomcat 10
  • JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS requires additional parameters from previous versions
  • “dmadmin” user won’t have user_source, so if you want to log in, you’ll need to update its value from idql to “inline password” and set the password accordingly
  • OTDS is still not mandatory/required on the CS, but it is mandatory for applications 2FA (=SAML/Oauth have been removed)
  • Workflow manager can’t be installed as someone from OT has forgotten to publish xCP 23.4 (pro-tip: take a look at the yaml files for the kubernetes version, you may find something that will end up leading you to the installer :D)
  • New password policies are still annoying (we want back our dmadmin/dmadmin for local environments!)

Initial Configuration

There’s no official image on Microsoft Store so you’ll need to download the container image from the Rocky Linux page. Once this is done, you can import the image:

mkdir c:\Users\<userfolder>\rockylinux

wsl --import RockyLinux9 c:\Users\<userfolder>\rockylinux\ d:\dctm234\Rocky-9-Container-Base.latest.x86_64.tar.xz --version 2

After importing the image, we can log in (as root) and start the basic configuration of the server:

[root ~]# yum update
[root ~]# yum install sudo tcl expect libXtst

[root ~]# adduser dmadmin
[root ~]# passwd dmadmin
Changing password for user dmadmin.
New password:
BAD PASSWORD: The password is shorter than 8 characters
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
[root ~]# usermod -aG wheel dmadmin
[root ~]# su - dmadmin

[dmadmin bin]$ sudo vi /etc/wsl.conf

PostgreSQL Configuration

First we need to install PostgreSQL which is not available in the default packages:

[dmadmin bin]$ sudo dnf install
[dmadmin bin]$ sudo dnf update -y
[dmadmin bin]$ sudo dnf -qy module disable postgresql
[dmadmin bin]$ sudo dnf install -y postgresql15-server

[dmadmin bin]$ sudo /usr/pgsql-15/bin/postgresql-15-setup initdb
Initializing database ... OK

[dmadmin ~]$ sudo systemctl enable postgresql-15
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ β†’ /usr/lib/systemd/system/postgresql-15.service.
[dmadmin ~]$ sudo systemctl start postgresql-15

[dmadmin ~]$ sudo su - postgres
[postgres ~]$ psql
psql (15.5)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \password postgres
Enter new password for user "postgres":
Enter it again:
postgres=# exit
[postgres ~]$ exit
[dmadmin ~]$ sudo passwd postgres
Changing password for user postgres.
New password:
BAD PASSWORD: The password is shorter than 8 characters
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Next, we can install phpgadmin for easier administration:

[root ~]# dnf install yum-utils
[root ~]# yum-config-manager --disable pgdg-common
[root ~]# rpm -i
warning: /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.7sMim2: Header V4 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 210976f2: NOKEY
[root ~]# dnf update -y
[root ~]# dnf install pgadmin4 -y

[root ~]# systemctl enable httpd --now
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ β†’ /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service.

And finally, we can configure the odbc connection:

[dmadmin ~]$ sudo yum install postgresql15-odbc.x86_64 unixODBC.x86_64

[dmadmin ~]$ sudo vi /etc/odbc.ini

[dmadmin ~]$ sudo vi /etc/odbcinst.ini
Description     = ODBC for PostgreSQL
#Driver         = /usr/lib/
#Setup          = /usr/lib/
#Driver64       = /usr/lib64/
#Setup64        = /usr/lib64/
Driver          = /usr/pgsql-15/lib/
Driver64        = /usr/pgsql-15/lib/
Setup64         = /usr/lib64/
FileUsage       = 1

[dmadmin ~]$ isql -v MyPostgres
| Connected!                            |
|                                       |
| sql-statement                         |
| help [tablename]                      |
| quit                                  |
|                                       |
SQL> quit

Documentum Server

First, we need to create the DB folder:

[root ~]# su - postgres
[postgres ~]$ mkdir /var/lib/pgsql/15/data/db_dctm234_dat.dat

The Documentum folders and JDK (stick to the supported 17.0.8 version and remember to remove anon from the disabled algorithms to avoid issues):

[dmadmin ~]$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/documentum/sw && sudo mkdir -p /opt/documentum/product/23.4
[dmadmin ~]$ sudo chown -R dmadmin:dmadmin /opt/documentum

[dmadmin documentum]$ wget
[dmadmin documentum]$ OpenJDK17U-jdk_x64_linux_hotspot_17.0.8_7.tar.gz

Add environment variables to .bash_profile:

[dmadmin documentum]$ vi ~/.bash_profile

export DM_HOME

export DM_JMS_HOME


export JAVA_HOME

JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=" -Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT,SPI --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang.invoke=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=java.base/ --add-exports=java.base/ --add-exports=java.base/ --add-exports=java.base/ --add-exports=java.base/"

export PATH

export LC_ALL



export DISPLAY

export PS1='[\u@\h \w]\$ '

Reserve ports and configure limits.conf:

[dmadmin ~]$ sudo vi /etc/services
dctm234 50000/tcp # dctm 23.4 repo
dctm234_s 50001/tcp # dctm 23.4 repo

[dmadmin ~]$ sudo vi /etc/security/limits.conf
dmadmin – core -1

[dmadmin ~]$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/

And now you can simply install content server normally πŸ™‚

Documentum REST documentation

So today someone asked us if it was possible to link/unlink folders via REST api. We were somehow surprised because this is a quite straightforward API, so we took a look at the swagger documentation where we found (surprise!) a “parentLink” resource:

This seems simple enough, right? Well, while trying this on postman first question popped up: How do we specify the target? Umm… weird enough… anyway let’s try the example… great, it doesn’t work because the body is wrong… Let’s check the documentation… great, it doesn’t even mention the controllers because these are obviously “documented” on swagger… So what do we do? Well, let’s decompile the controller:

@RequestMapping(method = {RequestMethod.POST}, produces = {"application/vnd.emc.documentum+json", "application/vnd.emc.documentum+xml", "application/json", "application/xml"})
  public FolderLink link(@PathVariable("repositoryName") String repositoryName, @PathVariable("objectId") String childId, @RequestBody FolderLink folderLink, @RequestUri UriInfo uriInfo) throws DfException {
    String parentId = folderLink.getObjectId();
    if (parentId == null)
      throw new RestClientErrorException("E_OBJECT_ID_NOT_FOUND", null, HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, null); 
    ResourceReferenceValidator.validate(folderLink.getHref(), parentId, RESOURCE_NAMES_TO_VALIDATE);, parentId);
    FolderLink newFolderLink = new FolderLink(parentId, childId, false);
    Map<String, Object> otherParams = new HashMap<>();
    otherParams.put("link_to_parent", Boolean.valueOf(true));
    otherParams.put("post_from_collection", Boolean.valueOf(true));
    return (FolderLink)getRenderedObject(repositoryName, (Linkable)newFolderLink, true, uriInfo, otherParams);

The code seems simple enough, as the POST expects a FolderLink object, but this fails with the example. Why? Let’s check the FolderLink class:

@SerializableType(value = "folder-link", jsonWriteRootAsField = false, fieldVisibility = SerializableType.FieldVisibility.NONE, fieldOrder = {"href", "child-id", "parent-id", "links"}, xmlNS = "", xmlNSPrefix = "dm")
public class FolderLink extends AbstractLinkable {
  @SerializableField(xmlAsAttribute = true)
  private String href;
  @SerializableField(value = "child-id", xmlAsAttribute = true)
  private String childId;
  @SerializableField(value = "parent-id", xmlAsAttribute = true)
  private String parentId;
  private String objectId;
  public FolderLink() {
    this.href = null;
    this.childId = null;
    this.parentId = null;
    this.objectId = null;

Great, no properties element. So that’s why the example miserably fails. So let’s add a child-id and a parent-id attributes and this will work, right? Wrong. Another error stating that the source id can’t be null. What the heck? Let’s take a look at the controller’s line where it calls “getObjectId”:

public String getObjectId() {
    if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(this.objectId) && 
      this.objectId = IdExtracter.extract(this.href); 
    return this.objectId;

So… The swagger example prompts you to use “properties” as an element in the POST body, while, if you remotely want this to work, you have to provide a href element with the object you want to use as parent:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

As you can see, almost exactly as the swagger example (and very logical approach too, because providing parentid was too complex I guess…)

OpenText Documentum vs. Linux (again)

Thanks to Fran GarcΓ­a who found the “bug”, we have today another chapter of the talented team delivering high quality software. Have you tried (recently) to deploy the cloud image of D2 23.2? Probably not, because it simply does not work. Let’s see what’s going on:

When you try to deploy this brand new Alpine based D2, you’ll see that the container will never finish, and you’ll see a message stating that it can’t connect to the docbroker. Why is this? Well, if we take a look at the script used to test this, we found the following command:

timeout --foreground 0.5 bash -c "echo >\"/dev/tcp/$host/$port\"" >&/dev/null

In theory, there’s nothing wrong with this, right? A simple check of an open port. Well, let’s run this command directly on the command line:

d2config-0:/$ timeout --foreground 0.5 bash -c "echo >\"/dev/tcp/dbr-0.dbr.dctm.svc.cluster.local/1489\"" >&/dev/null
d2config-0:/$ echo $?

For some reason this returns an error code… Let’s see what happens when we remove the output redirection to null:

d2config-0:/$ timeout --foreground 0.5 bash -c "echo >\"/dev/tcp/dbr-0.dbr.dctm.svc.cluster.local/1489\""
timeout: unrecognized option: foreground

BusyBox v1.36.1 (2023-11-06 11:32:24 UTC) multi-call binary.

Usage: timeout [-s SIG] [-k KILL_SECS] SECS PROG ARGS

Well, here you go, the talented team has simply copied the command from the working Oracle Linux to an Alpine Linux where the command has a different syntax and it doesn’t work. Here you can see the output from Oracle Linux where the parameter “foreground” is listed:

[dmadmin@d2config-0 /]$ timeout --help
  or:  timeout [OPTION]
Start COMMAND, and kill it if still running after DURATION.
Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
                 exit with the same status as COMMAND, even when the
                   command times out
                 when not running timeout directly from a shell prompt,
                   allow COMMAND to read from the TTY and get TTY signals;
                   in this mode, children of COMMAND will not be timed out
  -k, --kill-after=DURATION
                 also send a KILL signal if COMMAND is still running
                   this long after the initial signal was sent
  -s, --signal=SIGNAL
                 specify the signal to be sent on timeout;
                   SIGNAL may be a name like 'HUP' or a number;
                   see 'kill -l' for a list of signals
  -v, --verbose  diagnose to stderr any signal sent upon timeout
      --help     display this help and exit
      --version  output version information and exit

So, another success story for the talented team delivering a container image that simply does not work. The good news is that 23.4 does actually work because they have fixed this. Question is: is really that hard to actually test the images before being released? Not that this requires an in-depth testing phase, as the image doesn’t even start…

Documentum 23.2 PostgreSQL 15.2 on Arch Linux (WSL2) Install Guide

This is a step-by-step guide to install Documentum 23.2 in WSL2 using the Arch Linux image with PostgreSQL 15.2. This is probably the smallest possible installation you can do (considering that Documentum binaries do not work on Alpine) and it is obviously totally unsupported πŸ˜€

Initial Configuration

After installing the WSL2 Arch distribution from the Microsoft Store, we need to change the keyboard locale and update/install some packages:

[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~] sudo vim /etc/locale.gen
en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~] sudo locale-gen

[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~] sudo pacman -Syu

[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~] sudo pacman -S tcl expect ttf-dejavu libxtst unzip inetutils net-tools libxrender postgresql core/libxcrypt-compat unixodbc git freetype2-docs fontconfig

[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~] sudo ln -s  /usr/lib/  /usr/lib/

PostgreSQL Configuration

First we need to configure PostgreSQL:

[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~] sudo mkdir /run/postgresql
[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~] sudo chown postgres:postgres /run/postgresql

[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~]  sudo -iu postgres
[postgres@aldago-desktop ~]$ initdb --locale $LANG -E UTF8 -D '/var/lib/postgres/data/'

[postgres@aldago-desktop ~]$ echo "host all all md5" >> /var/lib/postgres/data/pg_hba.conf
[postgres@aldago-desktop ~]$ echo "listen_addresses='*'" >> /var/lib/postgres/data/postgresql.conf

[postgres@aldago-desktop ~]$  pg_ctl -D /var/lib/postgres/data/ start
[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~]$ sudo passwd postgres
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: password updated successfully
[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~]$ psql -U postgres
psql (15.2)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \password postgres
Enter new password for user "postgres":
Enter it again:
postgres=# exit

Next, we need to install yay in order to install psqlodbc:

[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~] git clone
[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~] cd yay
[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~] makepkg -si
[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~] yay -S psqlodbc

And finally, we can configure the odbc connection:

[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~] sudo vim /etc/odbc.ini

[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~] sudo vim /etc/odbcinst.ini
Driver = /usr/lib/
Driver64 = /usr/lib/
Setup64 = /usr/lib/
FileUsage = 1

[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~]$ isql -v MyPostgres
| Connected!                            |
|                                       |
| sql-statement                         |
| help [tablename]                      |
| echo [string]                         |
| quit                                  |
|                                       |
SQL> quit

Documentum Server

First, we need to create the DB folder:

[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~]$ sudo -iu postgres
[postgres@aldago-desktop ~]$ mkdir /var/lib/postgres/data/db_dctm232_dat.dat
[postgres@aldago-desktop ~]$ exit

The Documentum folders and JDK:

[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~]$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/documentum/sw && sudo mkdir -p /opt/documentum/product/23.2
[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~]$ sudo chown -R dmadmin:dmadmin /opt/documentum

[dmadmin@aldago-desktop documentum]$ wget
[dmadmin@aldago-desktop documentum]$ tar -xvf OpenJDK17U-jdk_x64_linux_hotspot_17.0.6_10.tar.gz

Add environment variables to .bash_profile:

[dmadmin@aldago-desktop documentum]$ vim ~/.bash_profile

export DM_HOME

export DM_JMS_HOME


export JAVA_HOME


export PATH

export LC_ALL



[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~]$ source ~/.bash_profile

Reserve ports and configure limits.conf:

[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~]$ sudo vim /etc/services
dctm232 50000/tcp # dctm 23.2 repo
dctm232_s 50001/tcp # dctm 23.2 repo

[dmadmin@aldago-desktop ~]$ sudo vim /etc/security/limits.conf
dmadmin – core -1

And now you can simply install content server normally πŸ™‚

Opentext (Documentum) vs. Logging configuration (ActiveMQ)

I was going to name this Documentum vs Logging configuration, but this seems to be a recurrent error on Opentext where their engineers fail to understand how logging works (exactly this same issue can be seen in Appworks, for example).

If you check the catalina.out file from latest DCTM 22.4 you’ll see a recurrent trace, which is extremely annoying and it will fill up the log as it writes constantly the same lines:

20:13:28.071 [ActiveMQ Journal Checkpoint Worker] DEBUG - Checkpoint started.
20:13:28.071 [ActiveMQ Journal Checkpoint Worker] DEBUG - Checkpoint done.
20:13:31.639 [ActiveMQ InactivityMonitor WriteCheckTimer] DEBUG org.apache.activemq.transport.AbstractInactivityMonitor - WriteChecker: 10000ms elapsed since last write check.
20:13:31.639 [ActiveMQ InactivityMonitor Worker] DEBUG org.apache.activemq.transport.AbstractInactivityMonitor - Running WriteCheck[tcp://]

This comes from ACS using ActiveMQ, which is deployed under tomcat/shared/dc_lib. You can try modifying under ACS application or in Tomcat, nothing will work. Why? Because in the dc_lib folder OT also added the logback libraries, without any configuration whatsoever. So by doing this, besides having a nice mix of every single logging library known to men and women, we’ll get a ton of crap on catalina.out.

So how do we solve this?

Brute force approach: Remove the logback jars πŸ˜€

Common sense developer approach: Add the following parameter to JMS startup: -Dlogback.configurationFile=file:/opt/documentum/tomcat9.0.65/bin/logback.xml

And the file should have the following contents:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration scan="true" debug="true">
  <appender name="stdout" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
      <pattern>[%t] [%4p] [%d{ISO8601}] %c{1}: %m%n</pattern>
  <appender name="R" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
      <pattern>[%t] [%4p] [%d{ISO8601}] %c{1}: %m%n</pattern>
    <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">

  <logger name="org.apache.activemq.spring" additivity="false">
    <level value="WARN"/>
    <appender-ref ref="R" />
    <appender-ref ref="stdout" />

  <logger name="org.apache.activemq.web.handler" additivity="false">
    <level value="WARN"/>
    <appender-ref ref="R" />
    <appender-ref ref="stdout" />

  <logger name="org.apache.activemq.xbean" additivity="false">
    <level value="WARN"/>
    <appender-ref ref="R" />
    <appender-ref ref="stdout" />
  <logger name="org.apache.activemq" additivity="false">
    <level value="INFO"/>
    <appender-ref ref="R" />
    <appender-ref ref="stdout" />

  <root level="INFO">
    <appender-ref ref="stdout"/>
    <appender-ref ref="R"/>

Now you’ve removed useless logging from catalina.out, configured it properly, and placed it on its own file. Not so difficult, right?

Documentum 22.4 PostgreSQL WSL2 Install Guide

This is a step-by-step guide to install Documentum 22.4 in WSL2 using the Ubuntu 20.04 image with PostgreSQL 14.


  • Host:
    Windows 11 x64 8GB RAM
  • WSL2:
    Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

WSL2 Configuration

  • Make sure you’re using the Ubuntu 20.04 image with WSL2:

wsl -l -v
* Legacy Stopped 1
* Ubuntu-20.04 Running 2

  • Create dmadmin user and add it to the sudoers group:

aldago@laptop:/$ sudo adduser dmadmin
Adding user `dmadmin’ …
Adding new group `dmadmin’ (1001) …
Adding new user `dmadmin’ (1001) with group `dmadmin’ …
Creating home directory `/home/dmadmin’ …
Copying files from `/etc/skel’ …
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for dmadmin
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
Full Name []: dmadmin
Room Number []:
Work Phone []:
Home Phone []:
Other []:
Is the information correct? [Y/n] y

aldago@dctm:/$ sudo usermod -aG sudo dmadmin

  • Configure nameserver to access Internet:

dmadmin@dctm:~$ sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf

  • Install pacakges:

dmadmin@dctm:~$ sudo apt-get update
dmadmin@dctm:~$ sudo apt -y install tcl expect

PostgreSQL Configuration

  • Install required packages:

 dmadmin@dctm:~$ sudo sh -c ‘echo “deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main” > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list’
dmadmin@dctm:~$ wget –quiet -O – | sudo apt-key add –
dmadmin@dctm:~$ sudo apt -y update
dmadmin@dctm:~$ sudo apt -y install postgresql-14

  • Start the PostgreSQL service:

dmadmin@laptop:~$ sudo service postgresql start
* Starting PostgreSQL 14 database server [ OK ]

  • Configure the postgres user:

dmadmin@dctm:~$ sudo passwd postgres
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: password updated successfully

dmadmin@laptop:~$ sudo -u postgres psql postgres
psql (14.5 (Ubuntu 14.5-2.pgdg20.04+2))
Type “help” for help.

postgres=# password postgres
Enter new password:
Enter it again:
postgres=# exit

  • Restart PostgreSQL service to apply the changes:

dmadmin@dctm:~$ sudo service postgresql restart
* Starting PostgreSQL 14 database server [ OK ]

phpPgAdmin Configuration

  • Install required packages (we need to manually update to 7.13 if we’re using PostgreSQL 14):

dmadmin@dctm:~$ sudo apt install -y phppgadmin

dmadmin@dctm:~$ wget
dmadmin@dctm:~$ tar -xvf phpPgAdmin-7.13.0.tar.gz
dmadmin@dctm:~$ sudo mv /tmp/phpPgAdmin-7.13.0 /usr/share/phppgadmin

  • Configure phpPgAdmin:

dmadmin@dctm:~$ sudo vi /usr/share/phppgadmin/
$conf[‘extra_login_security’] = false;

  • Restart httpd service to apply the changes:

dmadmin@dctm:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
* Restarting Apache httpd web server apache2

Now you should be able to login to the console from http://localhost/phppgadmin/.

ODBC Configuration

  • Install required packages:

dmadmin@dctm:~$ sudo apt -y install unixodbc unixodbc-dev odbc-postgresql

  • Configure .ini files:

dmadmin@dctm:~$ sudo vi /etc/odbc.ini

dmadmin@dctm:~$ sudo vi /etc/odbcinst.ini
Driver = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/
Driver64 = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/
Setup64 = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/
FileUsage = 1

  • Test the connection:

dmadmin@dctm:~$ isql -v MyPostgres
| Connected!                                  
| sql-statement                               
| help [tablename]                         
| quit                                             

Documentum server

  • Create folders:

dmadmin@dctm:~$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/documentum/sw && sudo mkdir -p /opt/documentum/product/22.4
dmadmin@dctm:~$ sudo chown -R dmadmin.dmadmin /opt/documentum

  • Install openJDK 11.0.16 (remember to remove “anon” from the list of disabled algorithms or the installer will fail to connect to the repository)

dmadmin@dctm:/opt/documentum$ tar -xvf ./sw/OpenJDK11U-jdk_x64_linux_hotspot_11.0.16_8.tar.gz -C .

  • Set up environment variables:

dmadmin@dctm:~$ vi .bash_profile
#Required for X11 forwarding
export DISPLAY=$(ip route | awk ‘/default via / {print $3; exit}’ 2>/dev/null):0


export DM_HOME

export DM_JMS_HOME


export JAVA_HOME


export PATH

export LC_ALL


  • Reserve ports for services:

dmadmin@dctm:~$ sudo vi /etc/services
dctm224 50000/tcp # dctm 22.4 repo
dctm224_s 50001/tcp # dctm 22.4 repo

  • Configure limits.conf:

dmadmin@dctm:~$ sudo vi /etc/security/limits.conf
dmadmin – core -1

  • Run the installer:

dmadmin@dctm:/opt/documentum/sw/cs$ tar -xvf documentum_server_22.4_linux64_postgres.tar
dmadmin@dctm:/opt/documentum/sw/cs$ chmod 777 serverSetup.bin
dmadmin@dctm:/opt/documentum/sw/cs$ ./serverSetup.bin

By default, Documentum now requires “strong” passwords, this means with minimum length of 16 characters. You can reduce this to 8 by defining the following environment variable:


Docbroker and repository

  • Create the tablespace file for the repository (dctm224):

dmadmin@dctm:/$ su – postgres
postgres@dctm:~$ mkdir /var/lib/postgresql/14/main/db_dctm224_dat.dat
postgres@dctm:~$ exit

  • Run the configurator:

dmadmin@dctm:/opt/documentum/product/22.4/install$ ./

And you’re good to go πŸ™‚

Experimental D2-SmartView SDK

The experimental preview of the D2 SmartView SDK is finally available to download. This comes packaged as a zip file containing the SDK, which is a combination of Maven, NPM and NodeJS (not the most attractive combination for Documentum old-timers :D)

So, once we get the zip file, we can do the following to install the SDK:

mkdir sviewsdk
cd sviewsdk/
mv ../d2/ .

chmod u+x *.sh
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install maven
mvn -version

sudo apt install nodejs
node -v

sudo apt install npm
curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
node -v

sudo npm install -g npm@latest
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli


As the “supported” NPM versions are 12-14, we should manually install 14. You should now run “npm update” to make sure everything is, well, up to date. Then you can launch the documentation by running “npm run documentation”

d2sv-sdk@22.4.0 documentation
node ./utils/doc-server.js

Starting documentation server at

And if you open localhost:7777/sdk:

After reading through the documentation, we should try to run the “workspace assistant”. For this, I had to manually run the following command as the ws-init script didn’t work properly: “sudo npm run postinstall”. After this, you can run the start command “npm start”

d2sv-sdk@22.4.0 start
node ./utils/run-generator-cli.js interface

And you’ll see the “assistant”:

You can browse through the options to see what’s available. For this first test I opted for using the included examples and then compiling them:

After this, I copied the resulting jar file artifact (on the “target” folder, and not the “dist” folder, as the documentation wrongly states) to Smartview and… Smartview no longer starts πŸ˜€ So I guess I’ll have to keep investigating… good luck